Sunday, April 22, 2012

Liberty Park

This weekend the weather rose into the 80’s, so today we went with the Paniagua’s to Liberty Park to enjoy the water features. Apparently the rest of the valley also got the memo. Needless to say it was packed. Carter enjoyed running “around” the water, like the fountains he’d been to before, but this time the water would randomly squirt from different directions so he didn’t exactly exit dry. In fact, he got so disoriented when the water began squirting out of fire hydrant that he ran directly towards it. He had a great time chasing Sophia and playing in the sunshine. We are looking forward to many more days like this. 

Carter's new "kicks". He doesn't exactly like them yet...okay he cried, but he looks really cute walking in them!
I thought this was adorable this morning. Daddy was getting ready for church and showing Carter how to shave.

The fire hydrant incident...
Run away!

Where's Waldo?

Welcome "Sprummer"! It's suppose to be spring, but today felt like summer!


  1. It is a little scary for a grandma to have such a beautiful grandchild. Sometimes when I see these darling pictures I am haunted someone will try and steal him. He is truly the most precious, gorgeous, adorable child I have ever seen. Those big blue eyes, and expressive looks. I love him so much. Thank you very much for putting these videos and pictures on this blog. They are the best part of my days. I get to look at them over and over again. Love you Carter babies!
