Monday, March 26, 2012


Ben and Laurel were nice enough to babysit Carter on Saturday night so that Tanner and I could have a date to the Hunger Games (great movie by the way). When we got home they had these adorable videos to show us. They were nice enough to email them so that everyone could see them.

My favorite video is Carter trying to say "Ben". Lately he has been really good at saying "Bum". I'm afraid that Uncle Ben has officially (for now) become Uncle "Bum". And of course, how could we not add more footage of "Carter the Party Starter", as he is known at Tanner's office, playing basketball.


  1. So cute! I love it when kids are trying to learn new words. So adorable.

  2. That was so sweet of Ben and Laurel to watch Carter babies. It looks like They are going to make wonderful parents like you and Tanner.
