Sunday, March 25, 2012


I feel like a hypocrite, but it was for a good cause...Carter. The little guy started to get sick a couple of days ago, but last night he was coughing most of the night. We had the humidifier going, but by morning he was back to coughing. Tanner and I were laying in bed discussing if Carter should go to church, when we decided he shouldn't. Even if he was in a good mood we thought him playing with his little friends and being around the elderly in the ward while sick wasn't fair to everyone else. By chance Tanner was teaching today so I ended up staying home with the little guy. By the end of the day we were antsy to get out so we took Carter to the park. Hypocrite? Probably, but Carter loved the slide and swing so we think it was worth it.

This is Carter's first time going down the slide by himself. He is getting big too fast.

I love my boys.
Carter found his daily stick.
Carter enjoyed his swinging time so much he almost fell asleep. We think it was also because he wasn't feeling well.

1 comment:

  1. I love your boys!!!! I always love the shots with Daddy and his little man. It is such a natural and beautiful feeling to my daughter, her husband, and my little grandson enjoying these special times just as I did with you and my parents did with me. It is so wonderful to see this natural progression. Thank you for being so good at sharing these moments.
