Thursday, April 12, 2012

How we're feeling today...

Carter has been a good sport this week. He's had a temperature that has ranged from 100-103 pretty consistently, but you'd never know it. Little children are resilient for sure.

Today I gave Carter his second haircut. I put him in his highchair with his gooey bananas to entertain him. He did really well, until I took him out of the highchair, as you can see in the pictures. I had to take his shirt off because it was covered in hair, but I can assure you he is now fully clothed.

Haircut and bananas!
Daddy will appreciate this most...he commented on Carter's long hair in the back.
Not so happy.
Not feeling well.
Mommy and bottle to the rescue!
Much better.
Playing peek-a-boo without a shirt...
So handsome.


  1. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful subject to photograph. He is so, so darling. Love yo Carter Babies!!!

  2. He def is very very handsome!
