Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sophia's 2nd Birthday Party

We have had a full Saturday and really enjoyed it. We went to Sophia's 2nd birthday party at the Gateway Discovery Museum. The kids got to jump around to music, play with balloons, color, dress-up, eat cake, watch Sophia open presents and play down in the museum after. Carter is sleeping like a rock right now! I loved the colors of the room provided, they were so bright and fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIA!

Getting ready to play...and watching the balloons fall to the ground.
Sophia absolutely loved the balloons and jumping around.
Daddy teaching Carter how to color.
Isn't the room fun? The kids were playing a game where they couldn't let the balloons touch the ground.
Carter discovered a little boy outside the room. He was the only boy at the party...although I think he secretly loved it.
He was having so much fun pulling the balloons with helium down.
The girls got to dress up at princesses...
So of course they needed their knight in shining armor.
My knight in a shining helmet.
Ready for battle!
Sophia opening up her presents from Carter. He gave her some things to keep her entertained at church.
Just love the colors!
This is my favorite picture of Sophia for the day. She just got this  tiara and purse as a gift.
The whole group!
This is too funny. The workers just wheeled this in  to load it up with Sophia's presents etc. It didn't take Carter but a minute to climb right in and claim it. 


  1. What A GREAT party!! So loved this final shot! Oh Carter babies you are too much!!!

  2. Thanks again for taking these pictures!
