Friday, May 4, 2012

Warm Weather Fun

Sometimes I wish I could write more, but my imagination just can't keep up with the nice weather. Nice weather = more pictures! Loved taking Carter out today. The weather was perfect for swinging, sliding, and chasing ducks!

Just chillin' in the swing.
He always looks bored in the swing, but I've decided it's just serenity because whenever we try to get him out he cries.
I just love this outfit, it makes me smile
Carter is really into finding flowers lately.

Is that an official 'stink eye'?
"Get the duck!" Poor duck ended up on the water to get away.
Carter's new kicks. These sandals stay on and don't cause him to cry...


  1. So fun! Did he catch the duck!?

  2. Not before the duck took the plunge...and I wouldn't let Carter anywhere near the water. It was moving way too fast!

  3. Each time I look at these blogs, I cannot believe how beautiful Carter is. He is spectacular!!! Cutest personality, best faces, and absolutely gorgeous. Oh how I love this little man. So happy for you both that the fun outside days of summer are here for you. I will never forget going to a nearby school/church yard 2 blocks from our home in Salt Lake when I was 5-6 with mom and Jim. We'd go swinging and running around, and then come home and mom would read to us out of the children's bible as the sun set. As we played we looked up at those beautiful mountains, and then as we sat in out breezeway next to mamma reading we would still look out at those amazing mountains. Love the summertime!!! Love you all!
