Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bend it like Beckham

We had a blast last night with the Paniagua’s at the Salt Lake Real vs. L.A. Galaxy fútbol game. Alright so ahead of time I only knew David Beckham, #23 for L.A. That’s okay, Brian, Krystal and I rooted for L.A anyways, but Tanner was faithful to his new home state and cheered for Salt Lake Real. In the end, L.A. won out 3-2. The fans for soccer are crazy! They were throwing things at players and playing drums the ENTIRE game. Tanner and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and Grandma was kind enough to watch Carter for us. He was asleep when we got back, but woke up when I put him in his car seat. Want to know what he said as soon as he woke up? “Bottle”. That kid is addicted; I have no idea how we are going to get him to “kick the habit”. All in all it was a great night with some great people.

Can you believe the view from out seats? The temple on the left is the Jordan River Temple (our current temple) and the one in the back is the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. How amazing to be able to see two at the same time!
Real in red and Galaxy in white. There's "the Beckham" with the pink shoes. Honestly, he didn't do much.
Until the sun went down we were all cooking in our seats. The stadium is quite beautiful.

We were at the very top! It was quite nice to have no one sitting behind us. We were also hot and sticky until the sun went down.
After Galaxy scored. I think we were the only ones cheering. There was definitely a lot more booing.
After the game.


  1. This post just makes me laugh cause of all the funny moments we had. We NEED to have a date night again!!

  2. lol Yeah I think we need the kids around or else we're too wild. TMI all night long!

  3. Looks like such a fun evening. I love David Beckham. He seems to be a wonderful husband and father. I'm so glad you were able to have a night out. Big thanks out to Carter's Great Grandmother and Grandfather. All is well with Carter when your away and he is with them. Love you all. Mom
